Chef has an exam which will start exactly M minutes from now. However, instead of preparing for his exam, Chef started watching Season-1 of Superchef. Season-1 has N episodes, and the duration of each episode is K minutes. Will Chef be able to finish watching Season-1 strictly before the exam starts?


Chef has an exam which will start exactly M minutes from now. However, instead of preparing for his exam, Chef started watching Season-1 of Superchef. Season-1 has N episodes, and the duration of each episode is K minutes.  Will Chef be able to finish watching Season-1 strictly before the exam starts?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int MTNKdur;
    while (T--)
        dur =0;
        cin >> M >> N >> K;

        dur = N * K;
        if (dur < M)
            cout << "YES"<<endl;
            cout << "NO"<<endl;


Click on the above button to download the code.

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