Can Reach fizzbuzz contest solution


A first-year student, came to your college. Being a good senior, you must tell him if it is possible to go from College Main Gate to Hostel for him.  The college can be visualized on a 2D-plane. Suppose the College Main Gate is situated at origin i.e. at the coordinates (0,0) and the Hostel is situated at the coordinates (x,y).  As the first-year student wants to explore the college campus further, in one move, he will increase or decrease any coordinate (either the x-coordinate or the y-coordinate) by a value of exactly K.  Is it possible for the first-year student to reach the Hostel?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x, y, k, t;
    cin >> t;
    while (t--)
        cin >> x;
        cin >> y;
        if (x % k == 0 && y % k == 0)
            cout << "yes"<<endl;
            cout << "no"<<endl;


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