the c programming language questions

 The c programming language questions 

1. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. To find the longest palindrome in an array entered by the user
 b. To print individual characters of the string in revere order.
 c. Store the information of 10 employees using structure that contains E_id (employe 
id), E_name, E_salary, E_DOJ(employee date of joining)
2. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. Move all the negative elements to one side of the array
 b. sort strings in alphabetical order
 c. Store the information of 10 teachers using structure that contains t_id (teacher id), 
t_name, t_salary, t_dept(teacher department), t_sub(teacher subjects)
3. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. print the biggest and smallest palindrome words in a string
b. Find the Union and Intersection of the two sorted arrays
c. Store the information of 10 studentss using structure that contains s_rollno 
(student rollno), s_branch, s_year, s_dept(teacher department)
4. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. GCD of given index ranges in an array
b. eliminate all vowels from a string.
c. Store the information of 10 bank using structure that contains b_ name(bank 
name), b_int(bank minimun interest), b_loc(bank location), b_emp(total 
number of bank employees)
5. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. remove all spaces from a given string.
b. insert New value in the sorted array at given location
c. Store the information of 10 bank using structure that contains b_ name(bank 
name), b_int(bank minimun interest), b_loc(bank location), b_emp(total 
number of bank employees)
6. Write a menu-driven program that has the following options using user-defined 
a. delete an element at desired position from an array
b. copy one string to another and count copied characters.
c. Store the information of 10 students using structure that contains s_rollno 
(student rollno), s_branch, s_year, s_dept(teacher department)


Longest  palindrome

Reverse a string

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
   char s[100];

   printf("Enter a string to reverse\n");


   printf("Reverse of the string: %s\n", s);

   return 0;

Lol negative to one side

Sort string in alphabet order

Smallest and largest  plaindrome in string

Union and intersection

Remove all vowels


Copy one string to another

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