Write a program that takes in a letterclass ID of a ship and display the equivalent string class description of the given ID. Use the table below.


Write a program that takes in a letterclass ID of a ship and display the equivalent string class description of the given ID. Use the table below.  

Class ID Ship Class B or b BattleShip C or c Cruiser D or d Destroyer F or f Frigate


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int T;
    char abcdf;
    cin >> T;
    while (T--)
        cin >> a;
        if (a == 'b' || a == 'B')
            cout << "BattleShip";

        else if (a == 'c' || a == 'C')
            cout << "Cruiser";

        else if (a == 'd' || a == 'D')
            cout << "Destroyer";

        else if (a == 'f' || a == 'F')
            cout << "Frigate";


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