C++ Mcq

Type - MCQs  : C++ Multiple Choice Questions    

1. Which of the following can be considered as the correct syntax for declaring an array of pointers of integers that has a size of 10 in C++  

a.int arr = new int[10];
b. int *arr = new int*[10];
c. int **arr = new int*[10];
d. int *arr = new int[10];

2. Which of the following can be considered as the members that can be inherited but not accessible in any class

a. Public
b. Private
c. Protected
d. Both A and C.

3. Which of the following is used for implementing the late binding

a.Operator Functions
b. Constant Functions
c. Virtual Functions
d. Both A and B.

4. Which of the following is not a kind of inheritance?

a. Distributed
b. Multiple
c. Multl-level
d. Hierarchal

5. Which type of approach is used by the C++ language. 

a.Right to left
b. Left to right
c. Top to bottom
d. Bottom-up

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